If you want to complete some creation tasks and get some income . Then you can pick up some tasks on the Bounty board in the DAOrayaki community.
The DAOrayaki Bounty list often posts creation tasks, if you could finish it well and pass the vsrifying procedure of the community board, you will recieve the bounty from the task.
This paper provides an overview of the current DAOrayaki bounty process.
Content Process
The DAOrayaki Bounty process is primarily conducted using the bounty category on the DAOrayaki Forum. For a proposal to be accepted, it must successfully pass through three phases:
Phase 1: Bounty Task
For proposals to be successfully passed from Phase 1 to Phase 2, there is template requirement. We follow the same format as DCP, we use a DBP Template here. Since DAOrayaki is in the initial stage, the bounty can be created by DAOrayaki committee temporarily.
All DAOrayaki Bounties will be recorded in the DAOrayaki-Bounty reposity(https://github.com/DAOrayaki/DAOrayaki-Bounty). Each round, DAOrayaki will create a record file named by “xxcontent keywords +plus date” to record tasks.
Duration: 1 days
Passing Requirement: The bounty task should be completed according to the template. We follow the same format as DCP, we use a DBP Template here.
The template:
Task Title:
Describe:task requirement and Join in discord Bounty channel staps
Phase 2: contribution
Contributors need firtly claim the tasks in discord bounty channel(add channel link), before doing the task. Each bounty can only be taked by one person. Also, they need to follow the guide in DAOrayaki-bounty reposity(https://github.com/DAOrayaki/DAOrayaki-Bounty) to submit result. If the result is not submitted in time, the reward will not enter the phase 3.
Duration: Follow bounty requires time
Passing Requirement: For contributors who successfully receive the bounty order, they need to complete the content in time. If the content is not completed, the task will not enter the phase 3.
Phase 3: Reviewing and Voting
This step is the final phase, result reviewing and voting. The Editorial Committee get 4 days to review the result and 2 days to vote on the results. Then, there will be another one day for releasing the bounty reward. The content which get more than 51% yes-votes will pass.
Duration: 4 days for reviewing + 2 days for voting + 1 days for releasing
Passing Requirement: A result will be considered as passed and release the bounty only if that it get more than 51% yes-votes of the editorial board. Otherwise, it is not passed.
Additional Resources
If you have any questions about how to use DAOrayaki platforms, please go to DAOrayaki offical website(https://daorayaki.org/) or DAOrayaki Discord Server (https://discord.gg/DVkXYZhQ7j).